For maximum filtration efficiency, strength and reliability, the GasShield POU filter line is the industry's first and still largest collection of all-metal filters. Which means Mott offers the greatest assurance of having the precise filter you require - whether it's Hastelloy® C-22 to withstand corrosive gases, or our latest high-flow innovations...nickel-based Sentry and all-stainless Defender POU filters.
Key GasShield POU features include:
9 log reduction value
- Greater than 99.9999999% removal of all particles down to 0.003μm; confirmed at the most penetrating particle size of 0.08μm
High-performance operation
- Operating temperatures up to 450°C (inert gas)
- Able to withstand 1000 psi differential (69 bar) pressure @ 20°C
- All units are He leak-tested to a maximum 1 x 10-9 atm cc/sec
- Parts per trillion dry down achievable
- >1 trillion particles retained at the rated flow with zero particles detected downstream of tested filters
- Particle shedding of <1 particle/ft3 in accordance with SEMASPEC 93021511A-STD
Rugged, high-quality construction
- 5 Ra surface finish on all internal hardware components
- Media is sintered with no binders or slurry so "the only material of construction of the media is the media."
- inimized surface area permits required flow characteristics at >9 log particle retention.
- Filter element is designed to provide required flow at minimal pressure drop while minimizing surface area to provide virtually zero out-gassing.
- All-welded construction eliminates out-gassing which accompanies polymeric filters.
Materials of construction
- Standard GasShield POU filters are offered with 316L stainless steel porous metal media in 316L VAR/ electropolished stainless steel or nickel housings
- Mott also offers POU filters made of Hastelloy C-22 for use in corrosive gas applications such as HCI, HBr and WF6. We are the only filter supplier to the semi- conductor industry to offer filter media and housings in Hastelloy C-22
- We also manufacture nickel filters capable of filtration at higher flow rates
Clean start-to-finish packaging
- Preconditioned with clean dry nitrogen
- Class 100 clean room packaged. Multiple bags to ensure dryness
- Packaging is designed to maintain the purity of the filter prior to installation